Entre Ríos

Entre Ríos

The province of Entre Ríos ("Between Rivers") lies north of the province of Buenos Aires and, as the name suggests, between two rivers: the Paraná River to the west and the Uruguay River to the east. Overall, the province is part of Argentina's Mesopotamia region, named after the Mesopotamia region in Iraq which also lies between two rivers. Further south, the Uruguay River becomes the Río de la Plata, on whose banks the city of Buenos Aires lies.

Entre Ríos has an area of about 78,000 km² which makes it the 17th largest province in Argentina. It contains about 1.4 million inhabitants, 250,000 of whom live in its capital, Paraná. Many of them have a European background, with their families originally coming from places like France, Germany and Russia. Although being comparatively small in size, Entre Ríos has the 6th largest economy in Argentina, exporting a lot of products in the agricultural sector like rice and soybeans. Geographically, the province is really flat with hills not more than about a hundred meters in height. Its climate is rather warm with average temperatures fluctuating between 10°C in the winter and 26°C in the summer.

The Cathedral of San José is a catholic church located in the city of Gualeguaychú, a small city in the east of Entre Ríos with about 90,000 inhabitants. Its construction started in 1863 and finished in 1890. However, its two towers were not built until 1911 at which point in time the clock on the left tower was also added, being imported from France. With a height of about 40 m it is also one of the tallest structures in the city. In 1926, the assembly of an organ began and was completed three years later. It has approximately 2200 tubes, an electric motor that inflates its three bellows and three keyboards which were imported from Germany.

Text adapted from Wikipedia.org

The Cathedral of San José in the center of Gualeguaychú

View towards the east, where, in about 20 km, the border to Uruguay lies

The "Palacio San José" served as the official residence of the former Argentine president Justo José de Urquiza

The estancia "Santa Cándida" which, nowadays, is a hotel

View towards the city of Concpeción del Uruguay from the estancia

Clouds of smoke in the air due to wildfires

Port of Concepción del Uruguay

Faro fluvial Stella Maris